Skin conditions  


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Posts: 21
01/12/2016 10:55 pm  


An inflammatory condition of the skin, characterised by itching and redness of the skin, this is the most common skin condition seen in the infant foot. However, although it gives the skin a scaly appearance, the condition is not contagious.


What causes eczema?

The exact causes of eczema are unknown but there are known triggers that make the condition flare up. The list of these triggers is long, and includes allergens such as dust mites, pet fur, pollen, certain foods (such as milk, nuts and eggs), shampoos and soaps, some fabrics (such as woollens) and even hot and cold weather. Other triggers may include microbes such as bacteria, fungi – and even stress. It’s important to be familiar with these triggers, as avoiding them is among the best ways of managing the condition. 


Treatment for eczema

Emollients are a common way of keeping dry skin moist, while anti-inflammatory creams are usually effective in reducing inflammation.



Psoriasis is a common condition that makes the skin red, crusty and flaky, caused by a rapid production of skin cells.


What causes Psoriasis?

The causes of psoriasis aren’t fully understood, though it’s thought to be caused by a type of immune cell in the body, called T cells. Under certain conditions, these T cells will attack the skin cells by mistake, causing more skin to be produced. We don’t know what initially makes the T cells behave in this way, but common triggers include infection, skin injury, stress and anxiety. Other triggers may be smoking, alcohol, hormonal imbalances and medication – though in the very young some of these are unlikely to be to blame!


Treatment for psoriasis

Currently, there is no known cure for psoriasis, though it’s not contagious. Treatments include creams, medications (oral or injected) or photo-therapy. The aims of treatments such as these are to reduce inflammation and itching, as well as the rate at which new skin is produced.




For a description of this condition, and treatment, please see Chapter 1. The accepted wisdom is to leave them, as they will probably go by themselves within two years, however it should also be noted that left untreated, verrucas can increase in size and number, and can also be passed onto others.



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