Treatment of corns and calluses  


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Posts: 21
01/12/2016 9:51 pm  

When considering treatment for corns and calluses, it’s worth remembering that they’re formed as a result of excessive friction and pressure – they’re not a disease, additionally, although you should always look first for the underlying cause of the problem, it’s also reasonable to seek immediate symptomatic relief – particularly if the symptoms are pain!


Relieving pain

  • Excess skin removal. If you’re in pain, it’s wise to go to a local foot clinic and have the excess skin removed. This is normally done with a surgical blade. Pumice stones and files can be quite useful, but if the skin is particularly hard and thick, you should seek the help of an expert.
  • Salicylic acid. There are a number of over the counter products containing salicylic acid that can be used at home to remove excess skin. These work by breaking down the hard skin, making it easier to remove. Although these products are safe, they should be avoided by those who have diabetes or poor circulation, as the skin may not heal well in people with such conditions – and there is the possibility of more serious problems such as the formation of an ulcer.
  • Padding. Several different types of pad are available from high-street pharmacies. These can help cushion the feet (whether the problem is with the heel, ball of the foot or toes). Pads can work wonders in providing pain relief and also preventing a recurrence of the condition.
  • Shoe inserts. In some cases, the problem is biomechanical (the way that the foot functions during walking). In these instances, a more permanent shoe insert, known as an orthotic, may be required. While these are available ‘off-the-shelf’, they are often more effective if made to fit.



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