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Latest from the Media Centre
1) How can I stop my feet from getting dry?
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2) Verrucas and warts
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3) The difference between a corn and a verruca
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4) Those Killer heels
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5) Hard Skin
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6) Will moisturiser get rid of thick hard skin?
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7) Fungal Nails
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8) Is it really a Fungal Nail Infection?
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9) How can I treat foot odour?
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10) How often should I have a general check-up?
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11) Why do I need to take special care of my feet if I am a diabetic?
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Audio Books
George has a Verruca
Its summer time and George has a painful verruca, but he’s determined not to let it spoil his summer holiday
Grandmas Bunion
Georges Grandma was very fit and healthy, and hardly visited the doctors, but she now had a painful bunion – there was only one thing to do.
The Painful Toe
Georges mum tried everything to treat her ingrown toenails, but they were only getting worse, what would she do?